





序号 新闻院分馆 题 名 条 码 索 书 号
1 XW01 Analysing media discourses / 102100451046 G206.3-05/A532/2011/Y
2 XW01 Rogue reels : oppositional film in Britain, 1945-90 / 102100451111 J905.561/R718/1999/Y
3 XW01 British cinema of the 90s / 102100451115 J909.561/B862/2000/Y
4 XW01 Terror and everyday life : singular moments in the history of the horror film / 102100451124 J905/C891/1994/Y
5 XW01 Democracy in the age of new media : the politics of the spectacle / 102100451126 G206.3/H295/2011/Y
6 XW01 Promised lands : cinema, geography, modernism / 102100451130 J905/R737/2001/Y
7 XW01 Racism, sexism, and the media : the rise of class communication in multicultural America / 102100451131 G206.3(712)/W747(3)/2003/Y
8 XW01 Media today : an introduction to mass communication / 102100451140 G206.3/T956(4)/2011/Y
9 XW01 AS media studies : the essential introduction for WJEC / 102100451143 G206.3/A797/2011/Y
10 XW01 Issues in media : selections from CQ researcher. 102100451144 G206.3/I-86(2)/2011/Y
11 XW01 Television and women s culture : the politics of the popular / 102100451145 J905/T269/1990/Y
12 XW01 Information / 102100451149 G201/R599/1991/Y
13 XW01 Changing the news : the forces shaping journalism in uncertain times / 102100451357 G21/C456/2011/Y
14 XW01 Global media, culture, and identity : theory, cases, and approaches / 102100451180 G206.3/G562c/2011/Y
15 XW01 Paranormal media : audiences, spirits and magic in popular culture / 102100451181 G206.3/H645/2011/Y
16 XW01 Media and democracy / 102100451184 G206.3-05/C976/2011/Y
17 XW01 Transmedia television : audiences, new media, and daily life / 102100451419 G22/E92/2011/Y
18 XW01 Emotions, genre, justice in film and television : detecting feeling / 102100451428 J90-05/P945/2011/Y
19 XW01 Communication, cultural and media studies : the key concepts / 102100451468 G206/H332(4)/2011/Y
20 XW01 Media and male identity : the making and remaking of men / 102100451482 G206.3-05/M169/2006/Y
21 XW01 Media and social justice / 102100451484 G206.3/M489ta/2011/Y
22 XW01 Media witnessing : testimony in the age of mass communication / 102100451490 G206.3/M489fr/2011/Y
23 XW01 Postcolonial media culture in Britain / 102100451496 G206.3(561)/P857/2011/Y
24 XW01 Audience evolution : new technologies and the transformation of media audiences / 102100451216 G206.3/N216/2011/Y
25 XW01 The new Arab journalist : mission and identity in a time of turmoil / 102100451217 G219.384/P659/2011/Y
26 XW01 Exploring media culture : a guide / 102100451219 G219.712/R288/1996/Y
27 XW01 How advertising works : the role of research / 102100451220 F713.8/H847/1998/Y
28 XW01 Journalism and popular culture / 102100451222 G206/J86/1992/Y
29 XW01 Mass media and American politics / 102100451226 G206.3(712)/G728(8)/2010/Y
30 XW01 Aim for the heart : write, shoot, report and produce for TV and multimedia / 102100451233 G22/T662(2)/2012/Y
31 XW01 Critical issues in communication : looking inward for answers : essays in honor of K.E. Eapen / 102100451218 G206/C934e/2001/Y
32 XW01 Creative labour : media work in three cultural industries / 102100451240 G114/H585c/2011/Y
33 XW01 Britain and the American cinema / 102100451241 J909/R988/2001/Y
34 XW01 Radicalisation and media : connectivity and terrorism in the new media ecology / 102100451246 G206.3/A964/2011/Y
35 XW01 Media and cultural transformation in China / 102100451260 G206.3-05/Y94/2009/Y
18 XW01 Journalism in Iran : from mission to profession / 102100451261 G219.373/S525/2007/Y
37 XW01 Audience studies : a Japanese perspective / 102100451263 G206.3(313)/T118/2010/Y
38 XW01 Transmission : toward a post-television culture / 102100451265 G22/T772(2)/1995/Y
39 XW01 Sports journalism : an introduction to reporting and writing / 102100451268 G212/S873/2010/Y
40 XW01 Oprah, celebrity and formations of self / 102100451270 J905.712/W753/2003/Y
41 XW01 Intermediality and storytelling / 102100451271 G206.3/I-61m/2010/Y
42 XW01 Mass media and contemporary social issues / 102100451311 G206.3-05/S579/2010/Y
43 XW01 Print media and broadcast journalism / 102100451314 G21/S531/2010/Y
44 XW01 Innovators and preachers : the role of the editor in Victorian England / 102100451319 G219.561.9/C581/1982,5th/Y
45 XW01 Supplement journalism in India / 102100451323 G219.351/R185/2010/Y
46 XW01 The normalisation of violence in news media : an exploration of news journalists role in the promot 102100451325 G206.3/A557/2010/Y
47 XW01 Television production / 102100451330 J93/M652(14)/2009/Y
48 XW01 Newspaper credibility and reader attitude : an Australian perspective of Korea / 102100451335 G21/S866/2010/Y
49 XW01 The SAGE handbook of media processes and effects / 102100451340 G206.3/S129/2009/Y
50 XW01 War at the Wall Street Journal : how Rupert Murdoch bought an American icon/ 102100451543 G219.712/E47/2010/Y
51 XW01 Media, markets, and morals / 102100451554 G206.3-05/M489s/2011/Y
52 XW01 Europe and the media : building a new king of Europe; is mass media the key? / 102100451556 G206.3-05/E89/2010/Y
53 XW01 Communications research in action : scholar-activist collaborations for a democratic public sphere / 102100451557 G206.3/C734n/2011/Y
54 XW01 Narrative, apparatus, ideology : a film theory reader / 102100451562 J90/N234/1986/Y
55 XW01 Ulpian : pioneer of human rights / 102100451573 D904.1/H774(2)/2002/Y
56 XW01 Reading Bollywood : the young audience and Hindi films / 102100451589 J905.351/B212/2006/Y
57 XW01 Popular Spanish film under Franco : comedy and the weakening of the state / 102100451590 J909.551/M186/2006/Y
58 XW01 Ken Burns s America / 102100451591 J905.712/E23/2001/Y
59 XW01 Television at the crossroads / 102100451596 J905.561/W391/2001/y
60 XW01 European cinema : an introduction / 102100451597 J905.5/E89/2000/Y
61 XW01 Experimental cinema in the digital age / 102100451599 J975.9/L518/2001/Y
62 XW01 British film editors : "the heart of the movie" / 102100451600 J932/P451/2004/Y
63 XW01 Identifying Hollywood s audiences : cultural identity and the movies / 102100451601 J905/I-19/1999/Y
64 XW01 The Eisenstein reader / 102100451602 J909.512/E18/2009/Y
65 XW01 Understanding representation / 102100451609 J90-05/U55/2005/Y
66 XW01 Lies, damn lies and documentaries / 102100451610 J953-095.61/W783/2000/Y
67 XW01 Roberto Rossellini : magician of the real / 102100451611 J905.546/R642/2000/Y
68 XW01 Hollywood spectatorship : changing perceptions of cinema audiences / 102100451613 J905/H746/2001/Y
69 XW01 The cinema in France after the New Wave / 102100451614 J909.565/F693/1992/Y
70 XW01 Transgender on screen / 102100451615 J90-05/P561/2006/Y
71 XW01 Movie crazy : fans, stars, and the cult of celebrity / 102100451616 J905/B229/2002/Y
72 XW01 Reframing British cinema, 1918-1928 : between restraint and passion / 102100451617 J909.561/G555/2003/Y
73 XW01 The fright of real tears : Krzysztof Kie?lowski between theory and post-theory / 102100451618 J905/Z-82/2009/Y
74 XW01 Communications policy : theory and issues / 102100451619 G206/C734p/2010/Y
75 XW01 Media nations : communicating belonging and exclusion in the modern world / 102100451620 G206.3/M618/2011/Y



序号 ISBN 题 名 著 者 索 书 号
1 978-7-5004-8745-6 危机传播经典案例透析 王芳 G206/W196
2 978-7-301-18838-5 全球金牌电视节目解析 张绍刚 G222.3/Z282b
3 978-7-81135-259-7 新中国新闻传播60年长编 :1949-2009 刘家林 G219.297/L587/(1)
4 978-7-81135-259-7 新中国新闻传播60年长编 :1949-2009 刘家林 G219.297/L587/(2)
5 978-7-301-19328-0 制造共识 :大众传媒的政治经济学 :the political economy of the mass media 赫尔曼 G206.3/H327
6 978-7-209-05525-3 中美传播学早期的建制史与反思 伍静 G206/W553
7 978-7-302-24319-9 去西方化媒介研究 柯伦 G206.2/K229a
8 978-7-303-10949-4 威廉·詹姆斯与美国传播研究 王颖吉 G206/W223a
9 978-7-303-12910-2 美国媒体中的中国文化形象建构 杨松芳 G12/Y215
10 978-7-5043-6324-4 媒体组织战略管理 宋培义 G206.2/S738b
11 978-7-308-07616-6 倾听传媒的声音 吴重生 G219.275.5-52/W453
12 978-7-81110-784-5 传媒集团战略与管理体制研究 郭全中 G206.2/G587
13 978-7-5004-9658-8 网络民主的可能及限度 郭小安 D082/G589a
14 978-7-308-07671-5 传播技术研究与传播理论的范式转移 韦路 G206/W251
15 978-7-5011-9637-1 电视内容产业整合研究 王天铮 G229.2/W219
16 978-7-80221-850-5 商业新闻报道写作 汤普森 G212.2/T189
17 978-7-5011-9520-6 记者与真相 :普利策金奖的故事 :behind the prize for public service journalism 哈里斯 G219.712.9/H125
18 978-7-5011-9284-7 中国电视内容产业建设发展研究 彭祝斌 G229.2/P242a
19 978-7-5004-8896-5 国际新闻与世界图景的建构:CCTV-9《环球瞭望》和CNNI《世界新闻》比较研究 何明智 G210/H315
20 978-7-5142-0047-8 中国市场品牌成长攻略:我的品牌 我们的世界 何海明 F279.23/H314
21 978-7-209-05077-7 中英传播学教育的建构与演变 崔清活 G206/C542
22 978-7-305-08437-9 网络信息检索及应用教程 笪佐领 G254.92/D121
23 978-7-300-12979-2 新闻采访学 蓝鸿文 G212.1/L181a3
24 978-7-301-16858-5 大众传播学:媒介与人和社会的关系 段京肃 G206.3/D451
25 978-7-300-12255-7 新闻编辑学 蔡雯 G213/C1272
26 978-7-5657-0137-5 电视产品在中西文化语境中的对话 郭林 G229/G584
27 978-7-5654-0185-1 现代广告理论与实务 贺康庄 F713.80/H3332
28 978-7-5019-8344-5 广播广告 崔恒勇 F713.80/C542
29 978-7-300-12999-0 传媒经济学案例教程 张辉锋 G206.2-05/Z271b
30 978-7-80251-771-4 北大讲坛:全球视野下的产业融合与文化振兴 向勇 G124/B287/(5)
31 978-7-5092-0735-2 下一代广播电视网发展战略研究 黄升民, G229.23/H682
32 7-5638-1309-8 会展营销与策划 刘松萍 G245/L597b
33 978-7-5117-0837-3 现代化的政治 阿普特尔 D0/A1352
34 978-7-303-10853-4 大学生媒介素养概论 于翠玲 G206.2/Y495a
35 978-7-01-009841-8 文化与文化产业发展新论 范建华, G124/F155
18 978-7-300-12605-0 大众传播通论 展江 G206.3/Z218
37 978-7-5491-0169-6 新闻报道写作 :理论、方法与技术 刘冰, G212.2/L579d
38 978-7-5068-2503-0 变局与转型 :在中国传媒大学讲传媒 郝振省 G219.2-532/Z489a/(2011)
40 978-7-5004-9819-3 旅游传播论 赵建国 F590-05/Z325
41 978-7-5085-1884-8 美国政府如何与新闻媒体打交道 :中国新闻发言人赴美交流实录 龚铁鹰, G219.712/G335
42 978-7-5011-7990-9 中国广播电影电视发展报告 国家广播电影电视总局 G229.2/G621a/(2010)
43 978-7-5426-3532-7 爱之道与爱之力 :道德转变的类型、因素与技术 索罗金 G40-02/S862
44 978-7-300-11959-5 体育新闻:从入门到精通 :a practical guide 安德鲁斯 G212.2/A194
45 978-7-5118-1046-5 新闻学讲演录 李珮 G210-53/X185c/(1)
46 978-7-5447-1777-9 理解媒介 :论人的延伸 麦克卢汉 G206.2/M151b2
47 7-301-07445-X 北大新闻与传播评论 程曼丽 G210-53/B281/(6)
48 978-7-5043-6143-1 新传媒 中国传媒大学 G206.2-53/Z489/(1)
49 7-80652-495-9 南方传媒研究 南方报业传媒集团 G219.2-53/N159(29)
50 978-7-302-25235-1 新媒体信息编辑 谭云明 G213/T167a
51 978-7-302-24662-6 财经新闻评论 包国强 G212.2/B253
52 978-7-306-03804-3 文化产业案例 胡晓明 G114/H513a
53 978-7-5641-2359-8 传媒英语热点阅读 林俊伟 G206.2-43/L522/(4)
54 978-7-5654-0345-3 跨文化沟通 比默 G115/W1162
55 978-7-5624-5299-7 媒体营销10大黄金法则 韦龙 G206.2/W251
56 978-7-5638-1901-0 中西文化比较概论 叶胜年 G04/Y286
57 978-7-309-08140-4 传教士中文报刊史 赵晓兰 G219.295/Z337
58 978-7-5118-1622-1 文化产业政策激励与法治保障 何敏 G124/H315
61 978-7-307-08891-7 新闻摄影实务 智慧 J419.1/Z468
62 978-7-307-07526-9 网络新闻评析 钟瑛 G210.7/Z642
63 978-7-307-08566-4 新时期优秀新闻作品评析 方雪琴 I253/F176a



